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The what, why, and how of the 3-Needle Bind-Off


The 3 Needle Bind-Off is a finishing technique that joins two knitted pieces together while still on the needles without seaming. It's very time-saving, easy to do, and creates an actual seam, which offers structure to the finished piece. It is my preferred method to join shoulders together. I believe it gives the perfect support and backing to the shoulder area. 

How to do the 3-Needle Bind-Off Technique —


You will need:

- The two sections of knitting still on your needles. They can be on the same circular needle or two straights needles.

- A third (spare) needle the same size as the working needles. 


Step 1: Hold the needles parallel, with the right sides facing each other.

Step 2: Insert the third (empty) needle knit-wise into the first stitch of the needle closer to you. 

Step 3: Then, insert it knit-wise into the first stitch of the second needle. 

Step 4: Wrap the working yarn around the third needle as if to knit

Step 5: Knit the two stitches together, and let them off the needle. Pull the stitch through both stitches. (as if they are one stitch)

Step 6: Repeat these steps one more time, knitting together the new first stitch on both needles in one stitch. 

Step 7: Using one of the two parallel needles, bind off the first stitch by slipping it over the second just like you normally would.

Repeat steps 2 – 7 until you have bound off all stitches. 

My top 3 tips and tricks of the 3-Needle Bind-Off —

This technique works best if the two sections have the same amount of stitches.

Typically this bind-off is worked with the right side of the pieces facing each other, so the bound off edge appears on the wrong side. However, if you held the right sides facing out, it becomes a great technique to add an embellishment to the final piece. 

When doing the actual bind-off, I find it easy to use the second parallel needle to slip the first stitch over the second. Using the first needle makes this movement harder as the second needle would be on the way. 

Tagged with: Learn to knit

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